How to Be More Eco-Friendly at Home

Carbon dioxide emissions and single plastic use are the primary sources of pollution. Not every household can afford Energy Star appliances or solar panels, but we can make minor changes in our home to turn it into an environmentally friendly place. Below is a list of ways to make our homes more eco-friendly.

Install Energy-Efficient Bulbs

If you want to minimize your environmental footprint and energy bill, you can replace your home light bulbs with efficient LED bulbs. Energy Star-rated LEDs can last up to 25 times longer than ordinary light bulbs and are up to 75% more efficient than incandescent lighting. Standard light bulbs produce more heat than LED bulbs, making the air conditioner operate at maximum capacity in summer to compensate. In fact, at least 8% of new data centers will be powered by green energy in 2020. LED light bulbs emit little heat, saving more energy in the long run, and there are different types to meet the needs of homeowners, ranging from dimming switches to recesses lighting.

Install Smart Thermostats

Installing a smart thermostat is a short-term yet efficient home efficiency solution. Smart thermostats have Wi-Fi-enabled features allowing them to control smart devices remotely. They can be connected to all types of air conditioning, boiler systems, and central heating system inside your home. Smart thermostats utilize presence sensing technology that automatically fires up the HVAC system when you come home and switches it off when you leave your home. Installing a smart thermostat is crucial to minimizing energy demands from fossil fuels and reducing your energy bills in the long run.

Install an Energy Efficient Roof

The roof is the first area touched by the sun, and darkly colored roofs absorb more heat than white-colored roofs. Darker colors make your home hotter in the summer months, causing a rise in temperature inside your home. The air conditioning system works harder to maintain an optimum temperature inside your house, causing a sharp rise in utility bills. Energy-efficient roofs are environmentally friendly in the sense that they require minimal replacement, reducing material wastage which ends up in landfills. Energy-efficient roofs minimize surface temperature by up to 50 degrees in summer. They also lessen the dependence on air conditioning, meaning less air pollution and minimal harmful gases emitted.

Recycle and Compost

If your home has a recycling bin, you will be conscious of recycling jars, paper, glass bottles, and other materials that may be recycled. Ensure you have containers for recycling and trash in every room, including the kitchen. Most recyclable materials from bathrooms and home offices are thrown away as the recycling bin is positioned far away. Did you know you can save up to nine cubic yards of landfill space by recycling just one ton of cardboard? A compost bin helps get rid of leftovers and provides you with free fertilizer for your plants. Ensure the compost bin has a tight-fitting lid and a secured hatch at the bottom to make fertilizer removal easy when ready.

Clean Your Clothing With Organic Products

Household cleaning supplies have chemicals with toxic effects on plant and animal life once they access our waterways through sewer systems. Organic cleaning products are expertly engineered with eco-friendly ingredients that minimize environmental pollution. They are made using baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice, which minimizes household chemicals that lead to water and air pollution. You can use organic cleaning products instead of detergents and bleaches to kill bacteria and leave your home odor and grease free.

Service Your Boiler Routinely

Up-to-date boilers on the market are more energy efficient than their traditional counterparts. It would be best if you serviced your boiler regularly to keep it in optimal performance. You can also maintain your older boilers by servicing them routinely. Renewing and refreshing your boiler once every ten years is highly recommended. You can also take note of the ideal temperature of your thermostat and reduce it by a few degrees to minimize your utility bills.

Being environmentally friendly means minimizing the release of harmful pollutants to the environment. There are multiple sustainable ways to make changes to our homes to make them eco-friendly.


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